Saturday, 30 April 2016

Microsoft will add a QR code to the blue screen of death Windows 10


Since Windows 8 OS developers of Microsoft have changed "the blue screen of death", having replaced the appearing text, unclear for most of users, with technical details about the arisen mistake with a sad smilie. 

Now the company intends to add functionality of Blue Screen of Death (BSoD). In Windows 10 preview version in the message on a critical mistake the QR code will appear. Having scanned a two-dimensional bar code by means of the smartphone, to the user the page of technical support on the website of Microsoft where the possible reasons which have led to BSoD and also versions of the solution of the arisen problem will be stated will open.

 The new Blue Screen of Death version can appear after the summer Anniversary Update updating.

The innovative supersonic hair dryer from Dyson

Gadgets and Technology 
James Dayson, using all experience which is saved up when developing vacuum cleaners, fans and sushka for hands, I have created the innovative Supersonic hair dryer. The Dyson company has spent for his invention four years and 71 million dollars. During this time 103 engineers have been involved in work, about 100 patents are registered and 600 prototypes are created. As the producer assures, their easy hair dryer won't injure hair during drying, and the let-out sound will be much more silent, than from traditional representatives of a premium class.

The tiny and easy motor placed in the device handle was created by team of aero acoustic engineers who have increased the number of blades with 11 to 13. Speed of rotation reaches 110 000 revolutions per minute that allows to call Supersonic ultrasonic. Thanks to this motor the hair dryer became much easier and more effective than habitual models. One more advantage of the hair dryer are the sensors located around a heating element, they provide uniform distribution of temperature and watch that it didn't rise too highly. The innovative novelty will cost considerable $400.

eMac 2016 — iMac in retro style

Gadgets and Technology  

The team of the German designers from Curved has a little dreamed up about rerelease of a monoblock of eMac (educational Mac) of Macintosh family and has presented the vision of the updated computer.

 In the developed concept enthusiasts have tried to keep recognizable lines original cars, but nevertheless eMac has got modern design.
 As envisioned by designers, the device is offered in two versions - eMac Edition with flowers of the case, as at iPhone ("silvery", "gray space", "gold" and "pink gold") and eMac Legacy Edition in the color scale characteristic of iPod ("silvery", "gray space", gold, pink and blue).

 All machines are manufactured of the thin aluminum panel of a curved form with the aluminum wide support imitating an image of the old computer at a look from above. On the forward panel the flat 17-inch touch screen with the ratio of the parties 4:3 which is a little found now which is fallen in love by everything the shining logo of Apple, a double chamber for 3D - shootings and two stereoloudspeakers is placed.

 It is provided by Bluetooth for connection of the wireless Magic Keyboard keyboard, a mouse and the Apple Pencil stylus, and also three USB ports placed on the back panel. We will notice that the design concept has turned out very attractive.

Friday, 29 April 2016

iPhone 6s against a self-made volcano

Gadgets and Technology 

The video blogger of TechRax who has become famous on all Internet for the unusual ways of destruction iPhone has decided to repeat own experiment with a volcano.

 Only this time the enthusiast was limited to the self-made throwing-up mountain created in house conditions from a bichromate of ammonium which when heating instantly turns into the "chemical volcano of Rudolf Byottger" scattering extensively ashes.

Hoverbord ArcaBoard start in production

Gadgets and Technology 

Has been at the end of last year shown next hoverboard as which prototype the well-known flying board from the movie "Back in the Future-2" has served. And though the enormous payment of ArcaBoard weighing 82 kilograms has caused a wave of sneers and scepticism, the management of the company at first declared collecting preorders, and now has started the child in a mass production. In May deliveries of the device to the first customers who have laid out for it $14 900 are planned. 

ArcaBoard, really, is capable to come off the earth (no special surfaces are necessary) with an additional weight of 110 kg, to rise in air by height to 50 cm by means of 36 electric fans, but here flight at the aircraft short. 

The available accumulator will last only for 6 minutes of a levitation and during this time the user will be able to overcome a distance approximately in 2 km. Further it is necessary or to charge the battery within 6 hours or 35 minutes if the special docking station is acquired at additional expense, or to change the accumulator on additional which, by the way, can be carried with itself in a backpack. 

Control of ArcaBoard is exercised of a body or with the help ON on the smartphone.

Safety of Windows has appeared under the threat

Gadgets and Technology  

For many years at the business focused versions of Windows there is an AppLocker function which allows the administrator to regulate start of these or those programs on the computer.

 For example, it is possible to forbid installation of any programs or start of already available appendices which don't belong to work of the employee.

 It is undoubtedly useful for the companies seeking to protect the structure from potentially dangerous ON, however the researcher Kasey Smith (Casey Smith) has found out that completely AppLocker as the vulnerability found by him allows to bypass restrictions of the administrator by means of one line of a code shouldn't trust. Thus hackers can crack computers and to start malicious software.

Problems and mistakes in Windows 10 Insider Preview 14332 for the personal computer and smartphones

Windows Phone

As the previous test assemblies, Windows 10 Insider Preview 14332 for computers and smartphones comprises a number of problems and mistakes. Developers have counted them not so critical that because of them to postpone release of a new bild.

 Of course they will be moved away from the release version. But, for now insiders should be reconciled with them, or to roll away bild to stabler.

 To learn what problems and mistakes can meet to you in the course of the testing of Windows 10 14332 which is rolled out tonight.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Identification of the user on a skull

Gadgets and Technology   

The unusual and interesting way of biometric authentication of the user was found by group of the German researchers of the Stuttgart university, university of Saar and the Max Planck Institute on informatics. 

The device which has received the name SkullConduct ("Behavior of a skull") is the modified version of clever points Google Glass and distinguishes the person on a skull. 

As have shown researches, the skull of each person reacts to a sound in own way, as allows to identify the user. SkullConduct is equipped with the loudspeaker of bone conductivity on the one hand and the microphone on the opposite side of a font. The lost sound imperceptible for human hearing, passing through a cranial bone, changes, and the sensitive microphone catches the changed sound. The device verifies the received result with early record. During laboratory experiments the prototype of the device identified users with an accuracy of 97%.

So far it is unknown whether there will be this technology walls of laboratory for universal use. However it is worth noticing that the similar device would facilitate to users life, it wouldn't be required to store in the head tens of passwords for gadgets, the websites, electronic mailboxes any more and so on.

Backpack for mobile virtual reality

Gadgets and Technology   

One of the main minuses of use of helmets of virtual reality of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive is their connection by wires to the powerful desktop computer - it constrains the movements of the user and limits the area for movement.

 Fortunately, the producer of the Zotac computer equipment proposes the interesting solution under the name Mobile VR. 

The novelty represents the compact personal computer, suitable for virtual reality, placed in a backpack with the accumulator. 

The offer the decision will allow the player to move in a VR font in any direction and at any distance, without being afraid to come or tear off a cable.

 While Zotac doesn't open technical characteristics of the device, only suggests to study demonstration video. 

However, analysts assume that in Mobile VR the game Magnus EN980 mini-personal computer with the liquid cooling system, the 14-nanometer Intel Core processor of the sixth generation and graphics of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 is used. 

Data on cost and term of a product yield in sale are absent.  

The Dutch students have opened cafe with the drone waiter

Gadgets and Technology   

The group of students of the Netherlands technical university of Eindhoven in anticipation of celebration of the 60 anniversary of educational institution has opened own cafe where in the person of the waiter the developed Blue Jay drone acts as them.

The UAV is similar to the reduced copy of an UFO with LED sparks, mechanical feelers for deduction of glasses with drinks and the scanner which reads out the orders of visitors which are written down on the special form.

 The case is designed so that blades of screws are hidden and aren't capable to do harm to the person even if that, having accepted fair amount of alcohol, will decide to grab the drone with hands.

 Now Blue Jay is able not only to maneuvre skillfully on the closed room with people, to accept and deliver orders, but also is capable to distinguish 4 types of alcoholic beverages and nonalcoholic cocktails of blue and green flowers.  

Portable Noria conditioner

Gadgets and Technology   

All of us look forward to arrival of summer with his hot solar days. And it is remarkable when the whole days without a break can be spent out of the stuffy and filled-in with the sun rooms, but often our everyday life is given to work at office or to household chores. 

And it is good if in the apartment there is a conditioner in each room, but it is a rarity. Besides habitual conditioners are bulky and aren't subject to carrying from the room to the room, unlike a novelty under the name Noria. 

The ultracompact window conditioner is the portable device and thanks to features of a design, to the size and an additional complete accessory the Device is fixed in a window opening from 53.3 to 91.4 cm wide 5,000 BTE/hour, dimensions of 45.7х38.1х12.7 cm have power and 13.6 kg weigh. 

One conditioner will be enough to cool the room in 49 sq.m. Management of Noria is carried out by means of the handle on the case or through the application installed on the smartphone with Android or iOS OS. On Kickstarter its price makes $299.  

Snowmobile with post-apocalyptic design

Gadgets and Technology  

Flight of fancy and creative nature I have allowed the designer Joey to Reuters to collect Snoped snowmobile with original and a little even post-apocalyptic design. 

The snowmobile has no sculptural aerodynamic forms and the wide balanced chassis, instead the prototype has received the monolithic rectangular aluminum case only 15 cm wide and 193 cm long, the bright LED headlights located behind a vertical front grille and the 90-vat engine. 

Black color adds to a raciness snowmobile.

The pseudo-laptop for $99 working from the smartphone

Gadgets and Technology   

The idea to use production power of smartphones as a computing stuffing isn't new to the personal computer. 

Participants of the Superbook project have decided not to miss an opportunity and while the market doesn't dazzle with similar devices, announced the docking station of the same name externally similar to the laptop. 

In the device there is a 11.6-inch display with the resolution of 1366х768 pixels, the keyboard, the touchpad, the accumulator which charge will last for 8 hours of continuous work, and the USB interface via which it is necessary to connect the Android-smartphone. 

However, not all mobile phones will approach. 

Devices with random access memory not less than 1 GB and the Android 5.0 operating system are necessary above. The best productivity will be reached if at the smartphone the 64-digit processor and is as much as possible RAM.

 All this will allow to turn Superbook into the quite good tool for work with documents and surfing in a network. Novelty cost - $99.  

Micromax Canvas Pace Mini Q401 — the 4-inch smartphone with Snapdragon 210 SoC for $90

Gadgets and Technology   

The Micromax company has presented the new budgetary Canvas Pace Mini Q401 smartphone in Russia. The novelty works at base of the 4-core processor of the Snapdragon 210 series from Qualcomm with a frequency of 1.1 GHz and the graphic Adreno 304 chip.  

GFXBench has confirmed 4 GB of the RAM for 5.5-inch Samsung Galaxy C7

Gadgets and Technology   

After AnTuTu benchmark key specifications of yet not announced Samsung Galaxy C7 smartphone (SM-C7000) were declassified by GFXBench, including has confirmed 4 GB of random access memory onboard future novelty.  

Monday, 25 April 2016

The plane on solar batteries has resumed circumnavigation

Gadgets and Technology   

The experimental Solar Impulse 2 plane on solar batteries left on March 9, 2015 in round-the-world travel the Abu Dhabi airport to the United Arab Emirates.

 As it was conceived by organizers, voyage had to 5 months will last, during this time the aircraft needed to overcome about 35 thousand kilometers in 25 days of the actual flight.

 Five-day flight through the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the Hawaiian Islands became the most grandiose stage of experiment, however it also was serious test - solar batteries of the plane have overheated and have sustained damage. 

As a result of technical malfunctions continuation of circumnavigation had to be postponed until April, 2016.

 And on April 23, 2016 Solar Impulse 2 has finished the ninth stage of travel, having overcome distance in 4 300 km from Hawaii to California in 3 days. 

If all goes according to the planned plan, then ahead at the plane on solar batteries still weeds to New York and serious transatlantic flight. 

The city of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates from where Solar Impulse 2 in 2015 has gone to circumnavigation will become a final point of travel.  

The Japanese farmers will be replaced with robots

Gadgets and Technology   

Japan has seriously thought of replacement of the aging Japanese farmers on robots and autonomous equipment. 

The matter is that according to the United Nations in the developed countries average age of the person occupied in cultivation of food makes about 60 years, in the Land of the rising sun this indicator is even higher - 67 years.

 At the same time the field of agriculture doesn't attract youth, and the area of the processed grounds has decreased twice.

 All this puts Japan into dependence on import of the food from abroad, already now 60% of food imported...  

Internal device of the player of vinyl records

Gadgets and Technology   

Vinyl players aren't popular for a long time, but among esthetes and judges of a qualitative sound and records from plates this device all the same remains on the first place. Well, as the player looks from within it is possible to see in the presented demonstration roller.  

The British has run a marathon distance in space

Gadgets and Technology   

For the purposeful and strong in spirit person there are no obstacles which would prevent him at achievement of a goal. 

The British astronaut Tim Pik (Tim Peake), in spite of the fact that was in space onboard the International space station, has taken part in the London marathon and has completely run a distance equal 26.2 miles (a little more than 42 km)...  

Game keyboards with illumination have turned into the huge screen

Gadgets and Technology   

The Logitech company known for much thanks to production of keyboards, computer mice, webcams and other periphery, has decided to draw attention to itself at the PAX East 2016 exhibition, having created the huge screen from 160 game Logitech G810 RGB keyboards with full-color illumination. 

As LED lighting of each button can be operated independently, developers have programmed 18 4000 keys, having turned them into information pixels for the improvised video wall.

 ON, responsible for operation of the screen and demonstration of various animation videos in style of retrogames, Logitech together with the Iam8bit company within half a year was created.  

Review of the smartphone of Apple iPhone SE: doesn't mean better any more

Smartphones and telephony

It is no secret that increase in the size of the screen from 4 to 4,7 inches was necessary on temper not to all users of iPhone. And now Apple does unexpected turn, having released the new smartphone in a form factor of iPhone 5s which, apart from the sizes, has much more than the general with iPhone 6s

HTC smartphones: whether is what to choose from?

Smartphones and telephony

Once very progressive producer of smartphones under the HTC brand isn't in time for more successful companies from Korea and China a little for today. But at the same time tries not to hand over turns and continues to release new devices.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Became known more details about the camera phone Honor V8

Gadgets and Technology   

Today, the network has more details about the forthcoming announcement cameraphone company Huawei - Honor V8. According to insiders in addition to the main camera, consisting of two sensors on the 12MP.  

The collapse in prices for UMI TOUCH and UMI ROME X on

Gadgets and Technology   

Until May 1, all customers of smartphones and UMI TOUCH UMI ROME X should look for them only store. It is here that the real price is offered on the UMI ROME X only $ 62.99 and $ 139.99 for the popular UMI TOUCH.  

Portable battery at 120 000 mAh charge the iPhone up to 40 times

Gadgets and Technology    

Each modern user and holder of at least one smartphone, not to mention the tablet, laptop, and so on, going on a long trip or on the bosom of nature think about a safe and capacious source of power for their gadgets. 

Most external batteries designed for 3-5 recharging the smartphone, then they need to be restored. This situation does not suit those who are far away from civilization for a few days or forced to remain without electricity due to the emergency.

Alternative drives are powered by solar energy, too, do not always come to the rescue.

Anker Company has decided to offer its decision, providing the battery capacity of 120 600 mAh. As the developers say their device is able to charge up to 15 times the standard laptop or iPhone up to 40 times. To do this, provided the USB-ports on the 2.4 A quick recharging gadgets. In addition, Anker PowerHouse is equipped with a built-in inverter 220 volts, which means that it can be connected to small appliances. 

There are 12W AC outlet for the car.

Himself battery can be charged from a conventional wall outlet and from the solar panels. Less novelty, perhaps one - this weight is 4.5 kg. In size PowerHouse is comparable to car battery. Sales will start on May 22 costs around $ 500.

Table analogue Moon

Gadgets and Technology   

On Kickstarter appeared an interesting project called MOON.

As the authors state, they offered the most detailed topographic lunar globe, capable of displaying the current phase of the moon.

MOON looks amazing. British inventors have tried to recreate the exact topography of the Earth satellite, reflecting each crater, grooves and valleys. For this, they used the exact pictures taken orbital stations NASA. But that's not all. 

MOON is illuminated by a diode ring, giving the same amount of light as the sun and moon present. From this effect table analogue is even more like a real companion of the Earth. User at any time can simulate the current phase of the moon, full moon, to arrange their private or arrange for a permanent rotation of the ring.

Globe formed of a pigmented polyurethane resin using a steel and an aluminum frame structure. MOON product weighs 1.8 kg and has dimensions 370h330h180 mm (diameter globe 173mm).

Power is supplied from the power supply 100-240 V 50/60 Hz. The cost of the original copy of the table of the Moon is £ 500 and it should be noted, the project is very popular and has already gained the necessary amount for the start of production. 

Flagships LeEco lost 3.5 mm audio connector

Gadgets and Technology    

To be the first is always exciting and prestigious.

The Chinese company LeEco, once bearing the name LeTV, announced flagship smartphones Le 2 Le 2 Pro and Le 2 the Max, who have lost the standard 3.5-mm headphone jack in favor of a universal port USB Type-C. 

Thus, a manufacturer from China ahead of Apple, which, presumably, would deprive future iPhone 7 usual audio jacks. In addition, LeEco prepared two headphone models with the appropriate connector.