Friday, 29 April 2016

Hoverbord ArcaBoard start in production

Gadgets and Technology 

Has been at the end of last year shown next hoverboard as which prototype the well-known flying board from the movie "Back in the Future-2" has served. And though the enormous payment of ArcaBoard weighing 82 kilograms has caused a wave of sneers and scepticism, the management of the company at first declared collecting preorders, and now has started the child in a mass production. In May deliveries of the device to the first customers who have laid out for it $14 900 are planned. 

ArcaBoard, really, is capable to come off the earth (no special surfaces are necessary) with an additional weight of 110 kg, to rise in air by height to 50 cm by means of 36 electric fans, but here flight at the aircraft short. 

The available accumulator will last only for 6 minutes of a levitation and during this time the user will be able to overcome a distance approximately in 2 km. Further it is necessary or to charge the battery within 6 hours or 35 minutes if the special docking station is acquired at additional expense, or to change the accumulator on additional which, by the way, can be carried with itself in a backpack. 

Control of ArcaBoard is exercised of a body or with the help ON on the smartphone.

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