Monday, 25 April 2016

The plane on solar batteries has resumed circumnavigation

Gadgets and Technology   

The experimental Solar Impulse 2 plane on solar batteries left on March 9, 2015 in round-the-world travel the Abu Dhabi airport to the United Arab Emirates.

 As it was conceived by organizers, voyage had to 5 months will last, during this time the aircraft needed to overcome about 35 thousand kilometers in 25 days of the actual flight.

 Five-day flight through the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the Hawaiian Islands became the most grandiose stage of experiment, however it also was serious test - solar batteries of the plane have overheated and have sustained damage. 

As a result of technical malfunctions continuation of circumnavigation had to be postponed until April, 2016.

 And on April 23, 2016 Solar Impulse 2 has finished the ninth stage of travel, having overcome distance in 4 300 km from Hawaii to California in 3 days. 

If all goes according to the planned plan, then ahead at the plane on solar batteries still weeds to New York and serious transatlantic flight. 

The city of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates from where Solar Impulse 2 in 2015 has gone to circumnavigation will become a final point of travel.  

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