Wednesday, 4 May 2016

How to solve a problem with the On the Plane mode on Nokia Lumia 520?

Windows Phone

In spite of the fact that Nokia Lumia 520 isn't to the most popular Windows the Phone-smartphone any more, quite large number of people still uses him. In most cases, owners of this model have no problems and complaints.

 Unless they lack officially available and steadily working Windows 10 Mobile.

 However, there are also exceptions. At some point of use owners of this model face automatic inclusion of the On the Plane mode.

 At first sight can seem that the problem very simple and is solved moving of the switch to the situation "Otkl". 

But far from it. 

In attempt to make it in the system section of the same name or by means of the switch in "The center of notices", the badge of the mode begins to go crazy. He disappears, being replaced with an icon with the level of a signal of a mobile network, again appears.

 Only reset rescues. But she, unfortunately, doesn't fix a problem completely. After this procedure in the status bar the badge of the On the Plane mode appears again. If you have faced such problem, then it is not an occasion to run urgently in the service center or to sell the smartphone on the spare part. In most cases, the problem has program character and is eliminated with the way painted below.    

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