Saturday, 21 May 2016

The hybrid Chuwi HiBook Pro tablet has received the format 2K screen

Gadgets and Technology 
In assortment of Chuwi there was a tablet "two in one" HiBook Pro which will be offered with two operating systems — Windows 10 and Android 5.1.
  The novelty is executed on the hardware Intel Cherry Trail platform. The 14-nanometer Atom x5-z8300 processor which contains four computing kernels and the Intel HD Graphics controller is the basis. Clock frequency can dynamically increase from nominal 1,44 GHz to 1,84 GHz. The chip functions together with 4 Gbytes of random access memory.
The tablet is equipped with the 10,1-inch touch display on IPS matrix with the resolution of 2560 × 1600 points (format 2K). The additional keyboard with magnetic fastening allows to use the device as the mini-laptop.
  HiBook Pro has a flash store with a capacity of 64 Gbytes, chambers with 2-and 5-megapixel matrixes, adapters of a wireless communication Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth, and also microSD card slot. There is a symmetric port USB Type-C, the HDMI interface and a standard 3,5-millimetric nest for earphones. Food is provided by the rechargeable battery with a capacity of 8000 мА · h.
It is expected that the novelty price in the global market will make 230–240 US dollars.

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