Friday, 13 May 2016

The exoskeleton turning any person in the robot

Gadgets and Technology   

The South Korean car maker Hyundai has presented a robotic exoskeleton of own development which is aimed at several scopes at once. It both daily sphere, and military, and production, and medical.

The company has compared the development to a suit of Iron Man from the series of popular comics Marvel of the same name. The main task of a robosuit - to increase labor productivity and to reduce risk of getting injured due to reduction of load of a back, knees and other parts of a body.

 According to statements of developers, the person dressed in an exoskeleton will be able to manipulate 100-kilogram objects without prejudice to the health. It is rather tempting for employees on production and in armed forces. 

Yes, and to women, for transportation of the bought potato bag it won't be required to ask for help of men any more. Besides, Hyundai Iron Man is capable to increase the speed of movement of the owner, thus acting as the personal vehicle, including for people with limited motive abilities - disabled people and pensioners, it is difficult to them to go independently. 

Also robotic exoskeleton is capable to become the tool for rehabilitation of patients with the damaged musculoskeletal system.

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