Monday, 2 May 2016

The most available 3D-printer

Gadgets and Technology 
3D-printers are still a little popular in our country and mostly it is connected with the high cost of the device. TRINUS is urged to correct this injustice, within the preorder for Kickstarter its cost makes only $299. 

Besides the tempting price, the novelty is attractive by the design. As creators declare, Trinus consists of aluminum and steel details, and refusal of use of belt drives and plastic gears has increased reliability and accuracy of the mechanism. Initial assembly of the device won't cause difficulties even in the user who isn't familiar with assembly of equipment and similar designs. the 3D-printer works at a method of layer-by-layer fusing and prints products from plastic, including PLA and ABS, a tree and aluminum. The possibility of a burning out by the laser on a tree, skin, a stopper, food and other soft materials is also provided. 

The sizes of area of the press make 120х125х125 mm. The printer is equipped with USB port for work through Mac or the personal computer on Windows, but there is also a slot for SD format memory cards for autonomous work.

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